Peace of mind with real-time dashboard to track compliances & Create Institutional memory to store and retrieve records from Incorporation date
Request a demoA cloud-hosted software for board portal and secretarial automation compliant with the Companies Act, 2013 and LODR
With ISO 27001, ISO2017, ISO27018 & SOC2Type2
With ISO 27001, ISO2017, ISO27018 & SOC2Type2 certifications
Just as chartered accountants audit the financial statements in statutory audits, secretarial auditors, who are qualified company secretaries audit the statutory compliance of bigger companies and provide a compliance audit report titled the Secretarial Audit Report to the shareholders.
All listed companies and all public companies with paid up capital of over Rs.50 crores, or turnover of over Rs.250 crores, or borrowings from banks and financial institutions of over Rs.100 crores are defined as bigger companies which need to have an annual secretarial audit.
All listed companies and all public companies with paid up capital of over Rs.50 crores, or turnover of over Rs.250 crores, or borrowings from banks and financial institutions of over Rs.100 crores are defined as bigger companies which need to have an annual secretarial audit. Refer section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014.
Secretarial compliance is adherence to the laws regulating the company. Unlisted companies are regulated through the Companies Act, 2013 and mandatory secretarial standards issued by the ICSI and Listed Companies in addition are regulated by the SEBI Regulations, of which LODR (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) 2015, PIT (Prohibition of Insider Trading) 2015 and SAST (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover Code), 2011.
BLISS is CimplyFive’s SaaS (Software as a Service) based Secretarial Automation Software. BLISS is an acronym for Board Leaders Integrated Software Solution. BLISS has product variants for different categories of companies, BLISSPLUS for unlisted companies, BLISSLISTED for listed companies, BLISSDOCS for Board Portal for Directors, and BLISSGLOBAL for overseas subsidiaries of Indian companies.
BLISS has four key modules –
i. Automation of Secretarial Automation activities,
ii. auto creation of e-repository for secretarial records,
iii. Realtime Secretarial Compliance Dashboards, and
iv. Group MIS Report Generation module.
BLISS is CimplyFive’s SaaS (Software as a Service) based Secretarial Automation Software. BLISS is an acronym for Board Leaders Integrated Software Solution.
BLISS has four key modules –
i. Automation of Secretarial Automation activities, i.e., creation of agenda and minutes for Board Meetings, Sub-committees, and Shareholder Meetings, maintenance of Statutory Registers, creation of Action Trackers for compliance activities and filing of Statutory Returns.
ii. Auto creation of e-repository for secretarial records financial year wise, and within a financial year under distinct categories like Board Meetings, Sub-committee Meetings, Shareholder Meetings, Circular Resolutions, Registers, Returns and Action Trackers.
iii. Realtime Secretarial Compliance Dashboards showing compliance status colour coded like the Traffic Lights into Red, Amber and Green, and
iv. Group MIS Report Generation module for around a dozen frequency used information across the group companies like listing of Registered Office, Authorised Capital, Paid-up capital, Statutory Auditors, Secretarial Auditors, Internal Auditors, among others.
Companies in India are incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 which gives them the right to raise capital with limited liability and transferable shares. In return an unlisted company needs to comply with over 40 -100 compliances in a year and a listed company over 200-800 compliances.
A good and comprehensive company secretarial software tracks and automates these compliances including creation and circulation of agenda and minutes for board and shareholder meetings, generates an e-Repository and a Compliance dashboard displaying the real time status of compliance.