In layman’s language, a list that helps a person track inventory is called an inventory list. A typical inventory list contains the stock/inventory items and their inward and outward movement. According to you, which sector will require maintaining an inventory list? Agriculture? Manufacturing or service sector?
Well, all sectors require maintaining an inventory list, but length and breadth would vary depending on the size of the business.
Inventories list is a mechanism to exercise more control over the inventory of a business entity so that the inventories can be utilised efficiently. It is usually made in an orderly fashion where it is simply represented as a list of stock items with details about each line item.
An inventory list helps us track movements in stock items:
1. Purchases/production (inward movement)
2. Sales (outward movement)
3. Scrap and waste
4. Location-wise stock
5. Stock transfers (example stock transfer from head office to branch)
The advantages are:
The disadvantages are:
1. Inventory ID: This is a unique ID or number given to a particular stock/item (e.g. A001, AB001). The inventory ID can be numeric or alpha-numeric.
2. Inventory name: This represents the name of stock/item (e.g. basket, sheets, steel, etc.)
3. Quantity: This number represents stock available with us
4. Unit of measure: This represents how a stock is measured (e.g. kgs, ltr, number, etc.)
5. Price (value): The cost at which the stock was purchased. Stock is purchased from different vendors at different prices. Accordingly, this value will be calculated as the average price.
6. Location: The place the stock/item is located.
7. Reorder level and days: The level at which the stock is reordered with the vendor is called the re-order level. The number of days remaining to order refers to reorder days.
Inv. ID | Name | Quantity | Unit | Price | Value | Location | Reorder Level | Reorder Days |
Inv. ID | Name | Quantity | Unit | Price | Value | Location | Reorder Level | Reorder Days |
AB001 | Metal | 100 | kgs | 50 | 5,000 | Head Office | 75 | 20 |
XY002 | Oil | 1000 | ltr | 75 | 75,000 | Factory | 500 | 40 |
The inventory list is advantageous to the business when maintained regularly. Businesses have adopted barcode or scanner systems to make this process more convenient.